trademark vs copyright…. What’s the difference?
Welcome to the Trust Pact where I’m sharing all the deets to help you legally protect your brand. I want you to make and KEEP these coins. There are lots of legal tools in place, and I’m here to help you understand them.
Today, I’ll be answering a question that I’m asked daily:
What is the difference between a trademark and a copyright?
Well, a copyright is artistic, literary, or intellectually created works like that E-book you’re working on, a song you’ve written, software code, or original photos you’ve taken (so yes, influencer friends, that mean you!)
A copyright protects your exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, perform, or display the created works. It also prohibits others from doing the same without your permission.
On the other hand, a trademark can be any word, phrase, symbol, design, or a combo of these things that identifies your specific good or service.
For example, let’s take the brand Nike.
When you hear the word Nike, what do you immediately think? A swoosh or the phrase “just do it,” right?
These are just TWO of the many trademarks that NIKE holds, alongside the name itself. Not to mention, they recently filed trademarks to cover new virtual territory as they prepare to enter into the Metaverse!
They didn’t come to play… and neither should you. Not about your brand!
A trademark identifies your good or service in the market & legally protects your brand.
While it may seem small & insignificant, it’s not! This little symbol holds WEIGHT! Your trademark is the way that customers distinguish between you and your competitors. They know that you OWN this brand, and are serious about protecting your work.
If you’re ready to protect your brand, tap here to start your trademark registration service. Make sure you check out my service guide to learn more about the trademark process and how my firm works. To ensure that each client receives the attention they deserve, I only take 12 trademark clients per month, and slots go FAST!
If you’re not quite ready to make the investment, but you still want to make some efforts to protect your business, grab my free guide to conduct your own initial trademark search.
Disclaimer: The information provided on this site are for informational purposes only. Nothing here should be taken as legal advice. Reading and/or engaging with this post does not create an attorney-client relationship. Do NOT comment or send me specific details about your legal situation via social media because I can’t guarantee confidentiality over those platforms.